2005-09-18 2005-10-09 2005-10-16 2005-12-11 2006-01-01 2006-01-08 2006-01-22 2006-01-29 2006-02-05 2006-02-19 2006-02-26 2006-03-05 2006-03-26 2006-04-23 2006-04-30 2006-05-07 2006-05-21 2006-06-04 2006-06-11 2006-07-02 2006-07-09 2006-07-23 2006-08-06 2006-08-13 2006-08-20 2006-09-03 2006-09-10 2006-10-01 2006-10-29 2006-11-19 2007-01-28 2007-02-11 2007-02-18 2007-04-29 2007-09-23 2007-09-30 2007-10-14 thegazzas: WE HAVE A REMEDY

26 January 2006


Just another cold day in Essex. Just got my results of my tests. It's confirmed that I have Crohn's. The doctor want's me on conventional meds, and I am going to look for a natural remedy. I need some suggestions and help on this one. Any clues? On a Who note, Ron Dovey called and is panicking about the TCT show's as they have added a Saturday gig. For Ron sake I hope it's not Pete and Roger. Time will tell!


Blogger Ron said...

I hope it's not Pete and Roger either.

Pete if you are reading this Friday 31st March 2006 would be a great night to play RAH.


Sunday, 29 January, 2006  

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