2005-09-18 2005-10-09 2005-10-16 2005-12-11 2006-01-01 2006-01-08 2006-01-22 2006-01-29 2006-02-05 2006-02-19 2006-02-26 2006-03-05 2006-03-26 2006-04-23 2006-04-30 2006-05-07 2006-05-21 2006-06-04 2006-06-11 2006-07-02 2006-07-09 2006-07-23 2006-08-06 2006-08-13 2006-08-20 2006-09-03 2006-09-10 2006-10-01 2006-10-29 2006-11-19 2007-01-28 2007-02-11 2007-02-18 2007-04-29 2007-09-23 2007-09-30 2007-10-14 thegazzas: THE KIDS ARE ALRIGHT

07 February 2006


Kids are just amazing. Yesterday, I picked Kayleigh Rose from school at the usual time. All of us parents load into the playground like sheep to the slaughter. Scary............ Kayleigh comes out of her classroom with this shoebox that has 2 sets of wheels and painted white with embluance(Kayleigh's spelling-she's 7) written on it and a number plate of 999. I asked her why she made an ambulance (for design and technology)and she said it reminds me of you. Great, I do everything for my kids and all she pictures is me being ill all the time. I have been ill on and off but, I take the kids swimming, I play with them, draw with them, sing with them (Behind Blue eyes is this weeks favourite) etc. Go figure.................Off to do the school run again.......


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