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01 May 2006

23 Days to go.

Back to work today after a nice long 3 day Bank Holiday Weekend for "May Day".

After looking at today's date it is a year to the day since the first of 4 shows at The Royal Albert Hall London for "CREAM" Clapton/Baker/Bruce. We spent at the time around £280 for 2 tickets face value + booking and postage fees to see the show from the 5th row Arena floor seats.

The kids woke up at 5.30A.M. this morning for some unknown reason just as Melissa finally got to sleep, her head is working overtime with all her problems with her mum, the latest is that her mum will be having chemotherapy twice a week for 12 weeks from early June to late August in New York City and with no one to look after her she may be taking off with the kids to look after her.
The kids school said this will be okay, so we will wait for confirmation.
Life goes on.


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