2005-09-18 2005-10-09 2005-10-16 2005-12-11 2006-01-01 2006-01-08 2006-01-22 2006-01-29 2006-02-05 2006-02-19 2006-02-26 2006-03-05 2006-03-26 2006-04-23 2006-04-30 2006-05-07 2006-05-21 2006-06-04 2006-06-11 2006-07-02 2006-07-09 2006-07-23 2006-08-06 2006-08-13 2006-08-20 2006-09-03 2006-09-10 2006-10-01 2006-10-29 2006-11-19 2007-01-28 2007-02-11 2007-02-18 2007-04-29 2007-09-23 2007-09-30 2007-10-14 thegazzas: May 5th 2006. 19 days to go.

05 May 2006

May 5th 2006. 19 days to go.

Friday May 5th 7.30pm in the evening, the weekend is with us and the only event on the diary this weekend is my 2nd visit this week for my heat treatment at our local hospital.
Another hot day around the same temperature as yesterday but the weekend will be wet just like the last one.
Still waiting for news on Melissa's mum ,so no updates today.



Blogger Melissa & Gary said...

Good morning to you guys from England.
Sorry no skype hear but the computer is on 24 hours a day!

Melissa and Gary.

Sunday, 07 May, 2006  

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